Obstetrics and Gynecology

Hubli | Gadag | Chikmagalur | Koppal | Mysore

The Best Pregnancy Hospital for Women’s & Child Care

In a lifetime, women go through various biological and psychological changes, including pregnancy and childbirth. The Obstetrics and Gynecology Centre of Excellence is well-equipped with a wide range of multispecialty disciplines to provide excellent and comprehensive treatment and facilities for both mothers and babies. Our best maternity doctors have combined experience of more than a decade in both normal and C-section deliveries. “SeCURE Hospital, one of the best maternity hospitals in Karnataka, presently operating in Hassan, Chikmagalur, Shivamogga, Koppal, Hubballi, and Gadag. SeCURE Hospital also provides service at best comprehensive health treatment for women in Gadag & all other branches. With our unrivaled team of qualified & best Gynecology doctors, we excel in maternity and gynecological treatment for women in and around Karnataka.” At SeCURE Hospitals, we pride ourselves on providing top-of-the-line treatments to treat various gynecological problems with the most excellent care and compassion. Our obstetrics unit is one of the most advanced professions concerned with normal delivery, always ready to welcome a new life into the world. With a diverse team of highly qualified & best gynecologists and obstetricians, it’s no wonder that our Centre of Excellence is unmatched in these two delicate and enlivening fields of healthcare.

Pregnancy Treatment

Our outpatient and inpatient departments are well equipped to diagnose and treat various gynecological problems that do not require surgery or hospitalization. Our outpatient and inpatient units are always buzzing with a stream of women and newborns coming in to visit our best gynecologists. The medical team staffing this unit is trained and prepared to speed doctors’ meetings and on-the-spot treatment facilities for everything from screening tests, ultrasound scans, and mammograms to high-risk pregnancy management, pain, and bleeding problems, and hysteroscopy. Even if it’s your ninth pregnancy, each one is unique. We realize this and make every effort to satisfy your pregnancy and newborn’s individual needs. Our obstetric specialist is among the best in the country, and that they will work with you to make you understand your pregnancy and preferences. In their efforts to care for their families’ well-being, women frequently ignore their health. Our gynecology specialists undertake routine testing throughout the year, supported by thorough help and counseling since we believe that all women, especially over 35, should have an annual check-up. As a Maternity specialists, We evaluate women’s health histories and counsel them personally to prevent illnesses and enhance their gynecological health in addition to completing these critical screening tests.

Obstetrics Treatment:

  • Preconception Counselling
  • Prenatal Therapy
  • Miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, preterm labor, intrauterine growth restriction, and placenta praevia are all pregnancy-related problems.
  • Women with medical conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, Cardiac, anemia, blood dyscrasias, liver problems, neurological conditions such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, cerebral venous thrombosis, and psychiatric illness, autoimmune diseases such as SLE, thyroid disorders, renal problems, and obesity are at high risk for having a high-risk pregnancy.
  • Labor is painless.
  • During labor, the baby is monitored.
  • Cesarean sections, both elective and emergency.

Gynaecology Treatment:

Minor surgeries
  • Suction and Evacuation for Pregnancy Termination
  • Bartholin’s abscess treatment
  • Excision of a cyst on the vaginal wall
Minimal Access Robotic Surgeries
  • Hysterectomy
  • Surgical treatment for gynecological cancer
  • Cyst in the ovaries
Laparoscopic Surgeries
  • Cysts in the ovaries
  • Endometriosis
  • Hysterectomy for Fibroids
  • Uterine abnormalities are suspected.
  • Endometrial polyp, submucosal fibroids, and affected IUCD removal
Vaginal surgery
  • Utero-vaginal prolapse
  • Cysts of the vaginal wall
Abdominal (Open) Surgery
  • Uterine fibroids and all gynecology-related cancer procedures

Child Care – Fetal Medicine:

  • NT scan (11-14 weeks)
  • Scan for the anomaly (20 weeks)
  • Detection of chromosomal abnormalities using screening tests
  • Test with Two Markers (11-14 weeks)
  • Three-Test (15-18 weeks)
  • The quadruple test (15-20 weeks)
  • Extensive testing is used to confirm chromosomal abnormalities
  • Chorionic Villous testing (10-12 weeks)
  • Amniocentesis (15-20 weeks)
  • After 28 weeks, growth scans are performed

Postnatal Child Care:

  • Lactation Nurse advice on breastfeeding
  • The neonatologist team is in charge of the baby’s care
  • Episiotomy/CS wound care
Meet our Specialist

Gadag, Chikmagalur, Koppal, Hassan, Shivamogga

Best Maternity Hospital in Gadag
We are open 24×7 and equipped with necessary clinical support to handle all Emergencies

Reach Us At Our Locations For Any Emergency Treatment.

SeCURE Hospital Frequently Asked Questions

Ans: Obstetrics and Gynecology is a medical specialty that focuses on women’s reproductive health, covering areas like pregnancy, childbirth, and gynecological concerns.
Ans: Obstetricians and gynecologists are not the same. Obstetricians specialize in pregnancy and childbirth, while gynecologists focus on women’s reproductive health and non-pregnancy-related issues.
Ans: It is generally recommended that women have a gynecological exam annually, starting in their late teens or early twenties. However, the frequency of exams may vary based on individual health needs. Visit SeCURE Hospital if you want to know more.
Ans: The method of childbirth depends on various factors, including your health, the baby’s health, and any potential complications. Your OB-GYN will discuss the options and help you make an informed choice.
Ans: OB-GYNs address a range of gynecological issues, including menstrual disorders, pelvic pain, abnormal Pap smears, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Ans: Some variations in menstrual cycles can be normal, but significant changes or irregularities should be discussed with your OB-GYN to rule out underlying issues.
Ans: Absolutely. OB-GYNs provide comprehensive women’s health care, including routine gynecological check-ups and the management of various women’s health issues, whether or not you are pregnant or planning to be.
Ans: The first three months of pregnancy are very sensitive, so here are some things you should know:
  • Before taking any over-the-counter medicine, make sure to check.
  • Those who smoke should stop.
  • Don’t drink.
  • Don’t drink as much coffee.
  • Get a lot of sleep.
  • Eat healthy food that is well-balanced.
  • Don’t eat sugar.
  • Don’t get too hot.
Ans: If you want to get pregnant or have been trying for a while, here are some tips to get your body and mind ready for bringing a new life into the World.
  • Get rid of all the bad things you eat and add more healthy ones.
  • Have aloe vera and probiotics for a few months before you get pregnant.
  • Try lentil soup, stir-fried vegetables, and brown rice.
  • Do yoga poses that will help open, feed, and relax your reproductive systems.
  • You can deal with your worries by doing yoga, meditating, sleeping, and working out.
  • Eat foods that can help you get pregnant, like yams, eggs, almonds, salmon, and fresh greens.
Ans: Regular Pap smears and HPV vaccinations are essential for preventing cervical cancer. Schedule an appointment if you have any queries.